
Welcome to the ISOCLIMA Group Reporting Channel/ Whistleblowing

ISOCLIMA has activated a specific protocol to manage whistleblowing which is based on an advanced web-based tool system which allows extended, anonymous and guaranteed management.

This Reporting Channel allows employees and/or stakeholders to report, in a confidential and protected manner, any potential illegal facts or situations encountered during professional and working activities carried out with our Company.

Isoclima undertakes to follow up on whistleblowing filed through the Reporting Channel on the assumption that they are made in good faith and guarantees whistleblowers against any form of retaliation or discrimination.

In any case, Isoclima ensures the confidentiality of the identity of whistleblowers in compliance with legal obligations.

The procedure for managing whistleblowing filed through the Isoclima Channel, the instructions for using the tool and any information relating the whistleblowing system are available at the following link:
